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1 125 Nice one, Dunban! You didn't waste[XENO:n ] any time on them Mechon![XENO:wait wait=key ][XENO:act act=EVT_EXT6 ][XENO:del del=this ]
2 125 [XENO:act act=EVT_EXT4 ]Shulk! Where's Fiora?![XENO:wait wait=key ][XENO:act act=EVT_EXT6 ][XENO:del del=this ]
3 125 [XENO:act act=EVT_EXT1 ]The Residential District...[XENO:n ] We said we'd meet her there.[XENO:wait wait=key ][XENO:act act=EVT_EXT3 ][XENO:del del=this ]
4 125 [XENO:act act=EVT_EXT7 ]Looks like we'll have to[XENO:n ] take the long way round.[XENO:wait wait=key ][XENO:act act=EVT_EXT9 ][XENO:del del=this ]
5 125 [XENO:act act=EVT3 ]All right, then we cut through the Commercial District![XENO:wait wait=key ][XENO:del del=this ]
6 125 [XENO:act act=EVT1 ]Yes![XENO:wait wait=key ][XENO:del del=this ]